Thursday, February 27, 2014

Springtime, Healthcare, Doctor Appointments, New Shoes, and A February Farewell....

Hello Everyone :)

It has been awhile since I have done an entry on just the family (perhaps I should make a crafting blog too? I made one separate for the business, but maybe I should make a crafting one? would that be better for everyone?)

Little Man & His New Shoes--> If you click on this link it will bring you to Christopher & His New Shoes :) He wanted a video!

It has been super nice here in SC and the other day we went outside to play.
Christopher found some dandelions & sat down to pick one :)

Spring is just around the corner. Didn't we just start 2014???

Before I know it, it will be his 4th Birthday! (which I have already planned out :/

Chris and I got Christopher on Medicaid again (because we're a low income family) So this will make it easier for us when it comes time for him to go back to the doctor for his 4 year check-up (and shots)
I am also scheduling Christopher's first dental appointment! (Nothing really to worry about though, considering he wants to brush his teeth 3+ times a day :)) I'll be making that appointment as soon as I get our Medicaid card in.

Our car is still broken down, and we had to borrow money from the in-laws for now so that we can buy the part. We've saved almost $500 so far, we just need another $400. Car repairs are so expensive :(

Chris is doing well at Michaels, and they are supposed to be opening a new store in August. Chris is waiting for the job notice to be put up so that he can apply. He's not allowed to be management at the current store, because his mom works there and is management... so he would have to go to a different store. It isn't too much farther away, and he would be getting paid better! :)

As for me, I went to a different doctor yesterday in Florence. First time I have ever been to Florence. It took us an hour and 15 minutes to get there. My appointment was at 1pm but I didn't get to go in and see the doctor until 3pm! :( It was so busy! I'm not quite sure what all will be happening right now...:( I will relish the day that I can go and see a doctor who will fix me right the first time, so that I can move on... and get a job (full-time would be very nice)

This will be the last entry I have for February (2 more days and it will be March!!!)

Until Next Time...


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