Monday, June 27, 2011

My name is Melissa, Do you Rue? I do!

Hello! You are now looking at (well... technically reading from-- but those who know me, know what I look like) the new Assistant Part-Time Manager @ Rue 21 in Camden, South Carolina. I got the job offer today & I'm sooo happy! We really need the money, so working two jobs & going to school & taking care of my son shouldn't be so hard!!!!
 I start Tuesday July 5th @ 9:00am. I'm copying Kamika's (who is the store manager) shift. Tomorrow before going to pick up a friend of ours from work I'm going to be stopping by Michaels and letting them know that I have another job, but that I'd still like to be incorporated in the schedule & that I can let them know the shifts I work for Rue 21 or I can have them just give me a day they want me. But Rue seems like they have their schedules out before Michaels does, because Michaels does their schedules for the next week on Wednesdays.

Ok. Well this is all for today! I just wanted to share my happy news with everyone!


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to the most amazing Daddy in the World! I love you Chris. W. Anderson (now remember how much you love me, after reading this post!)

This would be the day that my husband became a Daddy. September 9th, 2010. One of the happiest days of both of our lives. But I think looking into an EXACT replica of yourself-- just 23 years younger makes all the more happy. He has his own personal mini-me to look at everyday.  =) Pshhh... he doesn't even have to look in the mirror ;)

And here is Chris & his son-- sleeping. Christopher was only 2 weeks old here. Don't mind the mattress without the sheet. I just so happened to be doing the laundry when I came back in to find these two asleep. Guess you don't need sheets afterall???

Here's Chris and Christopher at the SC State Fair. Christopher was a month old. As my grandmother pointed out-- the LEAST expensive trip we'll have with him.

And here we are playing on Daddy's laptop. He's going to be a computer wiz like his daddy for sure =)

Playing on his first slide with Daddy was fun!!!

Here's one of our 6 Month Professional Photo's taken By Christina Alcorn. One of my favorites-- because you can see how much this Daddy Loves His Son.

Happy Father's Day Hunny. I wouldn't have chosen a better father for our son!!!

And Hunny... I hope you like your gift. It was certainly messy to do! And our little man didn't like being woken up to wet paint. And if you see him in the morning with green on his hands-- sorry I couldn't get it all. I guess it didn't help that I had to do it in the dark did it???

& A Happy Father's Day to my pop, to Chris's dad Richard, & to Chris's step-dad Kevin. Without you guys in our lives we wouldn't be who & where we are today. And to all the other Father's out there... Happy Father's Day!!!


Friday, June 17, 2011

Are those Marshmallows I see????

Hello everyone! Sorry about the delay in posts. I have good news =)

Here is a picture from Memorial Day weekend. If you look closely-- you can Christopher has marshmallow ALL OVER his face. lol.

I haven't been up to much lately. I called a couple places for jobs, and I received ANOTHER email from Rue21 wanting to interview me for management-- which is funny because they didn't want me the first time around. I also submitted an application for a HR Office Assistant positing in Columbia that pays $18-20 an hour, and I have called another place for employment for an Office Management position in Camden (however; I haven't heard back from them). I'm hoping I hear about jobs soon, because Michaels is making a "store of the future" now, and I really don't think I'll get any hours either way, old Michaels or New.

Well this is all for tonight.
Watching Super 8 & then bed.



Saturday, June 4, 2011

'Hello' & 'Goodbye'

Hopefully this video works!!! We were playing on the floor and all he wanted to do was wave at me! I haven't figured out yet if he is waving 'hello' or 'goodbye', but I would prefer it to be 'hello'. & he get's so excited when he does it! =)

Still haven't gotten those Memorial Day pictures, but when I do I'll upload those for all to see!
Our week here was interesting to say the least. Christopher has now gotten to where he doesn't want us to put him down in bed.... he will take a nap-- but when it comes to bed time he just doesn't wanna be in bed. He wants to play. So... unfortunately we've had to let him cry it out for longer than usual, just so that he will go to sleep. He usually takes 1 or 2 naps a day & has since he was 5 months old. I don't know if he is outgrowing it or what-- I just know that he is dead tired and he's teething like crazy (but those darn teeth just don't want to pop through). We've been cleaning the house too, and Christopher doesn't like the vacuum cleaner-- so it's really hard to vacuum unless he isn't in the room or unless he's sleeping , but if we vacuum by the door, he wakes up. It's a lose lose situation with the vacuum cleaner.... Maybe we should invest in a quieter one?

Today we put away almost all of Christopher's bottles, but beforehand we boiled them. He's growing up sooo fast!

Well hope everyone has a great day! And enjoy the video! =)
