Friday, April 26, 2013

Visiting Family, Reading a good book, and laying out in the sun....

Hello Fellow Bloggers!

I had a pretty good past couple of days. We went and visited my Papa yesterday. Talked and played with Christopher. He enjoys it when we come over, and we try to do it at least once a week if not at least a couple of times a week. I'm trying to get pictures printed out, so when he goes to New York next month he can take them up to the family members they belong to. We'll be keeping Daisy for a week or so while he is up there, so we'll also have to prepare for her arrival by cleaning the upstairs and downstairs.

Today we spent most of the day outside. I was reading my book Buffy The Vampire Slayer 2 and watching Christopher play in the water (and of course I got my tan on). Chris cleaned out some of the brush between our fence and the neighbors fence, and he also mowed some of the yard.

Tomorrow we have to go to the store for a few things, and it's supposed to rain a little bit... so I will be doing a little laundry. I am also going to make some rolls tomorrow, and probably laminate some more of my recipe cards.

This weekend I'll be washing the car and washing Kevin's bike and I'm not too sure what else we will be doing... Probably not a lot because Chris doesn't get paid till Thursday.

Well this is all for today.


  1. I really like that quote about family on the top! It's true. :)

    That's awesome about visiting your Papa. I forget, are you all in the same area, or is it like a little road trip for the day. My parents live an hour from my grandparents, and my dad tries to make the trip down there once a month or so. I usually tag along when they go.

  2. My papa actually lives about 30 minutes from where we live now, but they use to live a mile away from us when we lived in Lugoff (they were literally down the road) but then they sold their house and moved last year and bought the house in Camden.
