Friday, June 21, 2013

Friendship Friday[Fun Facts]...

Welcome Bloggers! I'm linking up with Create With Joy for Friendship Friday!

  • What is the most daring thing you’ve ever done?
I'm not super daring, so I haven't really done anything I myself would consider daring... but I was in gymnastics and cheerleading, and happened to master this move before I quit.... (This video is NOT me, and I DO NOT OWN COPYRIGHT) 
  • When you think of humorous moments in your life, what comes to mind?
Probably anything I did when I was little, and or whatever Christopher does now. :)
  • What is your most unusual talent?
None of my talents are really "unusual"
I can sing and dance. (Not of professional level)
and I think I can bake really well (Not on a professional level)
and I'm okay at writing... (Not a professional level)

This is all for today, and I know I still have TONS to update you guys on, but it will have to wait for another day!!!




  1. You know, come to think of it, I don't have any "unusual" talents, either. When I was a kid, and when I would cross my eyes (which my mom ALWAYS hated!), my eyes would go to the left and right, instead of toward my nose like everyone else's. It sorta freaked people out. :P

    Ummm... I find that I've really enjoyed simple addition lately. Like, when I count my drawer at the end of my shift, I like writing out the Math instead of using a calculator. It relaxes my brain. Also, at work I like to mop, and no one understands why. Mopping is therapeutic... and I don't have enough tile in my apartment to mop at home. Bummer. :D
    I guess those don't count as "talents" though. Just me being weird.

    I didn't know you were in gymnastics! Unless you did tell me, and I forgot!

    1. I do believe I told everyone I was a gymnast back with my first account at Kiwi... but ya know... that was 10 years ago. lol :)
