Tuesday, November 5, 2013

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 5- Thankful for my parents...

Day 5
I am Thankful for my parents

My momma was the one I went to for everything and even though I caused her stress when I was a teenager, I tried my best to make it up to her before she passed away in February. Because of her I have a vision in my mind of what a wife and mother looks like. My pop is an amazing man and taught me how to use tools and do repairs around the home (even if I never show that off). He kept the boys at bay in High School and made sure I didn't trip when walking me down the aisle on my wedding day. And even though he gave me away that day... I will always be his little girl. 

See You Guys Tomorrow


1 comment:

  1. I'm finally getting to commenting on your blog! Your mom was a beautiful woman. I'm so sorry for the hardship you faced with her passing away. I hope your family has a peaceful Thanksgiving/Christmas season this year.
    When you mentioned always being your dad's little girl, it reminded me of Tim McGraw's song "My Little Girl." Love that song!
