Friday, January 17, 2014

Getting Crafty With Ideas for Valentines Day....

Hello All! We're half way through January & I'm getting crafty! I'm ready for February to get here for Valentines Day! <3
Here are a few cute ideas you can enjoy! (I found these on pinterest)

You can find this craft here

I love this card! And I'm looking forward to making it this year. You can use regular card stock underneath (red or pink or yellow) and some notebook paper (or card stock that is made to look like such) and cut out cute little hearts and add long dashes around to complete. I won't be using the buttons... but I may be using some cute lady bug stickers I have laying around.

This would be great for loved ones & friends :)

I found these here

I saw these and showed Chris RIGHT AWAY! You might think I'm silly, but I would rather Strawberries shaped like roses than actual roses themselves. :) And they taste delicious.
We have a fondu pot we could heat chocolate in--- PERFECT date night dessert at HOME <3

I found this idea here

ADORABLE for a loved one or friend :)

And the romantic in me found this here

I hope you enjoy some of my Valentine's Day ideas and have a great Friday!



  1. Hey! I've finally read your blog and I'm caught up on reading! Happy belated 100th post! You're farther than me! I liked reading back on your entries. You've had this blog a long time! Celebrating your 100th post reminded me of our Kiwibox days... I had so many online journals under christiangal, Cowgirl4Christ, GlitterGirl4God, and xoSunshineDream. Too bad Kiwi deleted everyone's journals so suddenly. I didn't get to "the memo" until it was too late! Did you get to back up any of your journals?

    I like your new blog colors! Very neat. I liked your New Years Resolutions. I think I'm also going to try to stop relying so much on computer and social media, including checking Facebook 20 times (or however much I do it!) on my phone. Ugh, it's gotten so much as a habit, that it's sickening. I need to "log off" Facebook and just enjoy life again... but I do want to blog more. Hehe. Blog more, journal more, Facebook less... what do you think?
    And yeah, I hope to be better with money and savings this year. I literally have no savings right now. I used to be good with money when I was a student, but ever since graduation, it's hard making ends meet all the time, but I want to get back into successful finances this year. I want to actually put money in the bank, save on necessities, prioritize better... those types of things. :)
    I think I really just need to get a second part-time job... or do more scrutinizing with finding a job for my degree. Been graduated for two years now.

    I can't believe that Christopher is almost at the Pre-K stage... ahhhhh! How does that make YOU feel as a Mom? Are you excited? :)

    I hope your knee does awesome this year! I'm sorry that it's giving you problems. :(

    I like your crafty ideas for Valentine's Day. I don't have a significant other to celebrate with, but I do enjoy the red & pink of the holiday. So pretty! Rose petals are so beautiful, especially as they are set on a snowy day and some pedals blow gently in the wind. <3

    I think that lady bugs are a really good idea for the card. Ladybugs are precious for any age.

    1. HUGE response :) heehee

      I really think I will be doing the lady bugs :)

      Christopher going to Pre-K in a year is just UGH on me actually. I really need to get him potty trained & socialized with children for him to do well :)

      Thank you for liking my colors :) They'll be changing shortly for Valentines day ;)

      I haven't been very good with my resolutions :( I've been on facebook often... too often :(

      I can't wait to read more blogs from you!

      I'll have a letter in the mail shortly to you (as per our Notebook "agreement" lol)

      Have a great Friday!

