Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy Birthday To Me & My New Year Resolutions....

Hello Everyone! I just figured I would do a quick Birthday post. My birthday was yesterday but Chris and I celebrated it on the 28th by going to Five Guys & to the movies to see Hunger Games: Catching Fire.

Yesterday we really didn't do much, because little man was really sick. He's been sick with a cold for about a month, but the night before he started throwing up mucus. :( We took him to the doctor & they have him Amoxicillin for a left ear infection he has, and he was given his first inhaler for the wheezing in his chest. Even though we had money in the bank account, we ended up having to borrow money from Chris's mom because his medications were so expensive, and we don't have insurance. Because we didn't get approved for "Obamacare" the state is sending us papers to fill out for Medicaid for Christopher & I'm hoping they approve it. That way they will pay back 3 months of medical for Christopher, which means we'll be reimbursed.... $390 for his medical costs from September, which will allow us to pay back Chris's mom.
Now I know how my parents felt when they didn't have insurance for me, and I was always going to the doctors. Luckily Christopher only has to go to the doctor 2-3 times a year (one of those times being his yearly check-up)

So Chris and Kevin got me some alcohol. Regular Vodka & Blueberry flavored :)
And Kevin also bought me a cheesecake. :)

And Mom got me a "scrapbooking" rolling cart, with 3 baskets on it. Right now though I'm using it for my stock pile! Makes for much easier storage!

And because today is 12.31.2013....
I have for you my "New Years Resolutions"... however these are goals that will be tracked through out 2014 for all of you to read and keep track of.

1. To work out my knee, and to have better control after surgery
2. To finally be able to put in applications and to get a job.
3. To become better at couponing and saving my family money
4. To go on vacation as a family
5. To become better organized.
6. To appreciate what I have in front of me, instead of feeling sorry for not having what I want.
7. To start putting money aside for a home of our own.
8. To get my car started.
9. To get Christopher ready for Pre-K
10. To spend less time on my computer, and spend more time with my family*** This one is by far the biggest. This year alone I spent 17 hours a day, 7 days a week on social media :( I'm not proud to say it, and it has not helped my family life. Here's to a better year!

Here we come!

New Post Tomorrow, With new Blog Colors, And a New MOTIVATIONAL January Quote!


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